Monday, June 14, 2010

That Little Engine Lamp

About 30 minutes after getting my car, and saying goodbye to the dealer, I got a "Check Engine" warning on the dash. This was a little bit disapointing concidering I had just got the car.
Anyway, a lot of tooing and frowing between the dealer and myself resulted in the dealer requesting that I get the car shipped back to their shop for a checkup. They are located several hours drive away from Tokyo in Nagoya. I am happy that they want to fix the problem, but a little peeved that they can't organise for it to be resolved in Tokyo. They requested that they have the car back for a week.

This didn't sit well with me, as I really need to enjoy my car, and don't want to part with it, especially if the Check Engine error is something minor... Which, it turns out it was.
I got my hands on a CAN OBDII scanner, and retrieved the error codes from the cars onboard diagnostics.
P0420 and P0430, suggesting that the O2 levels were not sufficient or that the O2 sensors aren't functioning correctly. Well, I reset the error codes, and plan on giving the car a spin to see if they re-occur. If not, then I can safely tell the dealer that the problem is resolved.. Thank you very much.

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